Friday, February 22, 2013

Photo Drop

I'd love to write more, but the kids are not having it.  And why is this formatting messed up?  Who knows!  I'm just posting this, mess and all.  Gotta go!

Adam, glaring at Mommy after being scolded for something neither of us remember
The glare

Preparing the week's produce
All the work he did!

Baby Sister

First solids - rice cereal

Snow day!

Art and Toys

Red and White
 Adam is still painting several times a week, often with me or Matt. 

Add caption

Aurora is growing fast and she loves watching Adam paint and/or play with toys. 

play time

Happy 3rd Birthday Adam!


This year, we celebrated Adam's birthday at home with just his grandmas, uncle and aunties.  I'd asked Adam several times what he wanted to do for his birthday and each time he answered, "Have a party at the mountains!"  We had planned to have a birthday cookout in Madera Canyon, but the day was cold and raining, so we decided to grill at home, instead.  Turns out, a party at home was still lots of fun and we didn't have to worry about taking Aurora out on a cold day.

Aurora and Grandma Clara (Cho)

Party hat and Birthday Boy Ribbon


Auntie Shell

Auntie Lesia


Uncle Danny and Dad

Grandma Stephanie (Gammy)

Matt (aka Dad)

Roberta (aka Mom, Me)

3 candles

Make a wish!

Yea.  No idea how to blow out candles.
Playing with Uncle Danny